
In this example we use the bot only for easy notifications to a space. There is no command in the shell at all, and the bot is not even started.

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How to create a bot and configure it in one line?

The simplest approach is to set environment variables and then to create the bot. This can be done externally, before running the program, for secret variables such as the Cisco Spark token (see below). Or variables can be set directly from within the script itself, as CHAT_ROOM_TITLE in this example.

How to create or to delete a channel?

When you access a bot for the first time it is created automatically in the back-end platform. From a software perspective, call engine.get_bot() and this will give you a bot instance.

The bot itself can be used when you have to delete a channel, with a call of bot.dispose().

How to post a notification?

Use bot.say() on the bot instance. Messages posted can feature bare or rich text, and you can also upload an image or a document file.

Why do we not start the bot?

There is no call to here because there is no need for an active shell. The program updates a channel, however is not interactive and cannot answer messages send to it. Of course, it is easy to implement a couple of commands at some point so that you evolve towards a responsive bot.

How to run this example?

To run this script you have to provide a custom configuration, or set environment variables instead:

  • CHANNEL_DEFAULT_PARTICIPANTS - Mention at least your e-mail address
  • CISCO_SPARK_BOT_TOKEN - Received from Cisco Spark on bot registration
  • SERVER_URL - Public link used by Cisco Spark to reach your server

The token is specific to your run-time, please visit Cisco Spark for Developers to get more details:

For example, if you run this script under Linux or macOs with support from ngrok for exposing services to the Internet:

export CISCO_SPARK_BOT_TOKEN="<token id from Cisco Spark for Developers>"
export SERVER_URL=""