Source code for shellbot.machines.input

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import logging
from multiprocessing import Manager, Process, Queue
import re
import time

from shellbot.i18n import _
from .base import Machine

[docs]class Input(Machine): """ Asks for some input This implements a state machine that can get one piece of input from chat participants. It can ask a question, wait for some input, check provided data and provide guidance when needed. Example:: machine = Input(bot=bot, question="PO Number?", key="") machine.start() ... In normal operation mode, the machine asks a question in the chat space, then listen for an answer, captures it, and stops. When no adequate answer is provided, the machine will provide guidance in the chat space after some delay, and ask for a retry. Multiple retries can take place, until correct input is provided, or the machine is timed out. The machine can also time out after a (possibly) long duration, and send a message in the chat space when giving up. If correct input is mandatory, no time out will take place and the machine will really need a correct answer to stop. Data that has been captured can be read from the machine itself. For example:: value = machine.get('answer') If the machine is given a key, this is used for feeding the bot store. For example::'my_field', ...) ... value = bot.recall('input')['my_field'] The most straightforward way to process captured data in real-time is to subclass ``Input``, like in the following example:: class MyInput(Input): def on_input(self, value): mail.send_message(value) machine = MyInput(...) machine.start() """ ANSWER_MESSAGE = _(u"Ok, this has been noted") RETRY_MESSAGE = _(u"Invalid input, please retry") CANCEL_MESSAGE = _(u"Ok, forget about it") RETRY_DELAY = 20.0 # amount of seconds between retries CANCEL_DELAY = 40.0 # amount of seconds before time out
[docs] def on_init(self, question=None, question_content=None, mask=None, regex=None, on_answer=None, on_answer_content=None, on_answer_file=None, on_retry=None, on_retry_content=None, on_retry_file=None, retry_delay=None, on_cancel=None, on_cancel_content=None, on_cancel_file=None, cancel_delay=None, is_mandatory=False, key=None, **kwargs): """ Asks for some input :param question: Message to ask for some input :type question: str :param question_content: Rich message to ask for some input :type question_content: str :param mask: A mask to filter the input :type mask: str :param regex: A regular expression to filter the input :type regex: str :param on_answer: Message on successful data capture :type on_answer: str :param on_answer_content: Rich message on successful data capture :type on_answer_content: str in Markdown or HTML format :param on_answer_file: File to be uploaded on successful data capture :type on_answer_file: str :param on_retry: Message to provide guidance and ask for retry :type on_retry: str :param on_retry_content: Rich message on retry :type on_retry_content: str in Markdown or HTML format :param on_retry_file: File to be uploaded on retry :type on_retry_file: str :param retry_delay: Repeat the on_retry message after this delay in seconds :type retry_delay: int :param on_cancel: Message on time out :type on_cancel: str :param on_cancel_content: Rich message on time out :type on_cancel_content: str in Markdown or HTML format :param on_cancel_file: File to be uploaded on time out :type on_cancel_file: str :param is_mandatory: If the bot will insist and never give up :type is_mandatory: boolean :param cancel_delay: Give up on this input after this delay in seconds :type cancel_delay: int :param key: The label associated with data captured in bot store :type key: str If a mask is provided, it is used to filter provided input. Use following conventions to build the mask: * ``A`` - Any kind of unicode symbol such as ``g`` or ``ç`` * ``9`` - A digit such as ``0`` or ``2`` * ``+`` - When following ``#`` or ``9``, indicates optional extensions of the same type * Any other symbol, including punctuation or white space, has to match exactly. For example: * ``9999A`` will match 4 digits and 1 additional character * ``#9-A+`` will match ``#3-June 2017`` Alternatively, you can provide a regular expression (regex) to extract useful information from the input. You can use almost every regular expression that is supported by python. If parenthesis are used, the function returns the first matching group. For example, you can capture an identifier with a given prefix::"What is the identifier?", regex=r'ID-\d\w\d+', ...) ... id = machine.filter('The id is ID-1W27 I believe') assert id == 'ID-1W27' As a grouping example, you can capture a domain name by asking for some e-mail address like this::"please enter your e-mail address", regex=r'@([\w.]+)', ...) ... domain_name = machine.filter('my address is') assert domain_name == '' """ assert question or question_content self.question = question self.question_content = question_content assert regex is None or mask is None # use only one of them self.regex = regex self.mask = mask self.on_answer = on_answer self.on_answer_content = on_answer_content self.on_answer_file = on_answer_file self.on_retry = on_retry self.on_retry_content = on_retry_content self.on_retry_file = on_retry_file self.on_cancel = on_cancel self.on_cancel_content = on_cancel_content self.on_cancel_file = on_cancel_file assert is_mandatory in (True, False) self.is_mandatory = is_mandatory if retry_delay is not None: assert float(retry_delay) > 0 self.RETRY_DELAY = float(retry_delay) if cancel_delay is not None: assert float(cancel_delay) > 0 self.CANCEL_DELAY = float(cancel_delay) assert self.CANCEL_DELAY > self.RETRY_DELAY self.key = key states = ['begin', 'waiting', 'delayed', 'end'] transitions = [ {'source': 'begin', 'target': 'waiting', 'action': self.ask}, {'source': 'waiting', 'target': 'end', 'condition': lambda **z : self.get('answer') is not None, 'action': self.stop}, {'source': 'waiting', 'target': 'delayed', 'condition': lambda **z : self.elapsed > self.RETRY_DELAY, 'action': self.say_retry, }, {'source': 'delayed', 'target': 'end', 'condition': lambda **z : self.get('answer') is not None, 'action': self.stop}, {'source': 'delayed', 'target': 'end', 'condition': lambda **z : self.elapsed > self.CANCEL_DELAY and not self.is_mandatory, 'action': self.cancel}, ] during = { 'begin': self.on_inbound, 'waiting': self.on_inbound, 'delayed': self.on_inbound, 'end': self.on_inbound, }, transitions=transitions, initial='begin') self.start_time = time.time()
@property def elapsed(self): """ Measures time since the question has been asked Used in the state machine for repeating the question and on time out. """ return time.time() - self.start_time
[docs] def say_answer(self, input): """ Responds on correct capture :param input: the text that has been noted :type input: str """ text = self.on_answer.format(input) if self.on_answer else None content = self.on_answer_content.format(input) if self.on_answer_content else None file = self.on_answer_file if self.on_answer_file else None if not text and not content: text = self.ANSWER_MESSAGE.format(input) if content or file:' ', content=content, file=file)
[docs] def say_retry(self): """ Provides guidance on retry """ text = self.on_retry if self.on_retry else None content = self.on_retry_content if self.on_retry_content else None file = self.on_retry_file if self.on_retry_file else None if not text and not content: text = self.RETRY_MESSAGE if content or file:' ', content=content, file=file)
[docs] def say_cancel(self): """ Says that input has been timed out """ text = self.on_cancel if self.on_cancel else None content = self.on_cancel_content if self.on_cancel_content else None file = self.on_cancel_file if self.on_cancel_file else None if not text and not content: text = self.CANCEL_MESSAGE if content or file:' ', content=content, file=file)
[docs] def ask(self): """ Asks the question in the chat space """ text = self.question if self.question else None content = self.question_content if self.question_content else None if content:' ', content=content) self.start_time = time.time() self.listen()
[docs] def listen(self): """ Listens for data received from the chat space This function starts a separate process to scan the ```` queue until time out. """ p = Process(target=self.receive) p.daemon = True p.start() return p
[docs] def receive(self): """ Receives data from the chat space This function implements a loop until some data has been actually captured, or until the state machine stops for some reason. The loop is also stopped when the parameter ``general.switch`` is changed in the context. For example:: engine.set('general.switch', 'off') """"Receiving input") self.set('answer', None) try: while'general.switch', 'on') == 'on': if self.get('answer'): break # on good answer if not self.is_running: break # on machine stop try: if label = 'fan.' +, time.time()) time.sleep(self.TICK_DURATION) continue item =, self.TICK_DURATION) if item is None: break logging.debug(u"Input has been received") self.execute(arguments=item) except Exception as feedback: logging.exception(feedback) break except KeyboardInterrupt: pass"Input receiver has been stopped")
[docs] def execute(self, arguments=None, **kwargs): """ Receives data from the chat :param arguments: data captured from the chat space :type arguments: str This function checks data that is provided, and provides guidance if needed. It can extract information from the provided mask or regular expression, and save it for later use. """ if not arguments: self.say_retry() return arguments = self.filter(text=arguments) if not arguments: self.say_retry() return # store at machine level self.set('answer', arguments) # store at bot level if self.key:'input', self.key, arguments) # use the input in this instance as well self.on_input(value=arguments, **kwargs) # advertise subscribers if self.key:, {'from':, 'input': {'key': self.key, 'value': arguments}}) self.say_answer(arguments) self.step(event='tick')
[docs] def filter(self, text): """ Filters data from user input :param text: Text coming from the chat space :type text: str :return: Data to be captured, or None If a mask is provided, or a regular expression, they are used to extract useful information from provided data. Example to read a PO mumber::'9999A', ...) ... po = machine.filter('PO Number is 2413v') assert po == '2413v' """ if self.mask: return self.search_mask(self.mask, text) if self.regex: return self.search_expression(self.regex, text) return text
[docs] def search_mask(self, mask, text): """ Searches for structured data in text :param mask: A simple expression to be searched :type mask: str :param text: The string from the chat space :type text: str :return: either the matching expression, or None Use following conventions to build the mask: * ``A`` - Any kind of unicode symbol, such as ``g`` or ``ç`` * ``9`` - A digit, such as ``0`` or ``2`` * ``+`` - When following ``#`` or ``9``, indicates optional extensions of the same type * Any other symbol, including punctuation or white space, has to match exactly. Some mask examples: * ``9999A`` will match 4 digits and 1 additional character * ``#9-A+`` will match ``#3-June 2017`` Example to read a PO mumber::"What is the PO number?", mask='9999A', ...) ... po = machine.filter('PO Number is 2413v') assert po == '2413v' """ assert mask assert text logging.debug(u"Searching for mask '{}'".format(mask)) mask = mask.replace('+', 'pLuS') mask = re.escape(mask) mask = mask.replace('pLuS', '+').replace('A', '\S').replace('9', '\d').replace('Z','[^0-9]') logging.debug(u"- translated to expression '{}'".format(mask)) pattern = re.compile(mask, re.U) searched = if not searched: logging.debug(u"- no match") return None matched = logging.debug(u"- found '{}'".format(matched)) return matched
[docs] def search_expression(self, regex, text): """ Searches for a regular expression in text :param regex: A regular expression to be matched :type regex: str :param text: The string from the chat space :type text: str :return: either the matching expression, or None You can use almost every regular expression that is supported by python. If parenthesis are used, the function returns the first matching group. For example, you can capture an identifier with a given prefix::"What is the identifier?", regex=r'ID-\d\w\d+', ...) ... id = machine.filter('The id is ID-1W27 I believe') assert id == 'ID-1W27' As a grouping example, you can capture a domain name by asking for some e-mail address like this::"please enter your e-mail address", regex=r'@([\w.]+)', ...) ... domain_name = machine.filter('my address is') assert domain_name == '' """ assert regex assert text logging.debug(u"Searching for expression '{}'".format(regex)) pattern = re.compile(regex, re.I) searched = if not searched: logging.debug(u"- no match") return None matched = if len(searched.groups()) > 0: # return the first matching group matched = searched.groups()[0] logging.debug(u"- found '{}'".format(matched)) return matched
[docs] def on_input(self, value, **kwargs): """ Processes input data :param value: data that has been captured :type value: str This function is called as soon as some input has been captured. It can be overlaid in subclass, as in the following example:: class MyInput(Input): def on_input(self, value): mail.send_message(value) machine = MyInput(...) machine.start() The extra parameters wil be used in case of attachment with the value. """ pass
[docs] def on_inbound(self, **kwargs): """ Updates the chat on inbound message """ if kwargs.get('event') != 'inbound': return logging.debug(u"Receiving inbound message") message = kwargs('message')"Received {}: {} (from {})").format( message['input']['key'], message['input']['value'], message['from']))
[docs] def cancel(self): """ Cancels the question Used by the state machine on time out """ self.say_cancel() self.stop()