Source code for shellbot.spaces.base

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import logging
from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
import os
from six import string_types
import time

from shellbot.i18n import _

[docs]class Space(object): """ Handles a collaborative space A collaborative space supports multiple channels for interactions between persons and bots. The life cycle of a space can be described as follows:: 1. A space instance is created and configured:: >>>my_context = Context(...) >>>space = Space(context=my_context) 2. The space is connected to some back-end API:: space.connect() 3. Multiple channels can be handled by a single space:: channel = space.create(title) channel = space.get_by_title(title) channel = space.get_by_id(id) channel = space.get_by_person(label) channel.title = 'A new title' space.update(channel) space.delete(id) Channels feature common attributes, yet can be extended to convey specificities of some platforms. 4. Messages can be posted:: space.post_message(id, 'Hello, World!') # for group channels space.post_message(person, 'Hello, World!') # for direct messages 5. You can add and remove participants to channels:: persons = space.list_participant(id) space.add_participants(id, persons) space.add_participant(id, person) space.remove_participants(id, persons) space.remove_participant(id, person) Multiple modes can be considered for the handling of inbound events from the cloud. - Asynchronous reception - the back-end API sends updates over a web hook to this object, and messages are pushed to the listening queue. Example:: # link local web server to this space server.add_route('/hook', space.webhook) # link cloud service to this local server space.register('http://my.server/hook') - Background loop - this object pulls the API in a loop, and new messages are pushed to the listening queue. Example:: """ DEFAULT_SETTINGS = { 'space': { 'type': 'local', 'title': '$CHAT_ROOM_TITLE', }, 'server': { 'url': '$SERVER_URL', 'hook': '/hook', 'binding': None, 'port': 8080, }, } DEFAULT_SPACE_TITLE = _(u'Collaboration space') PULL_INTERVAL = 0.05 # time between pulls, when not hooked def __init__(self, context=None, ears=None, fan=None, **kwargs): """ Handles a collaborative space :param context: the overarching context :type context: Context :param ears: the listening queue :type ears: Queue :param fan: the auditing queue :type fan: Queue Two queues are provided, so that the space can distinguish events for regular handling (by the listener) from auditing (by the observer) No auditing is taking place when no fan is provided. Example:: space = Space(context=my_engine.context, ears=my_engine.ears, """ self.context = context self.ears = ears = fan self.on_init(**kwargs)
[docs] def on_init(self, **kwargs): """ Handles extended initialisation parameters This function should be expanded in sub-class, where necessary. Example:: def on_init(self, ex_parameter='extra', **kwargs): ... """ pass
[docs] def on_start(self): """ Reacts when engine is started This function should be expanded in sub-class, where necessary. Example:: def on_start(self): self.load_cache_from_db() """ pass
[docs] def on_stop(self): """ reacts when engine is stopped This function attempts to deregister webhooks, if any. This behaviour can be expanded in sub-class, where necessary. """ self.deregister()
[docs] def configure(self, settings={}): """ Changes settings of the space :param settings: a dictionary with some statements for this instance :type settings: dict After a call to this function, ``bond()`` has to be invoked to return to normal mode of operation. """ self.context.apply(settings) self.check()
[docs] def check(self): """ Checks settings This function should be expanded in sub-class, where necessary. Example:: def check(self): self.engine.context.check('space.title', is_mandatory=True) """ pass
[docs] def configured_title(self): """ Returns the title of the space as set in configuration :return: the configured title, or ``Collaboration space`` :rtype: str This function should be rewritten in sub-classes if space title does not come from ``space.title`` parameter. """ return self.context.get('space.title', self.DEFAULT_SPACE_TITLE)
[docs] def connect(self, **kwargs): """ Connects to the back-end API This function should be expanded in sub-class, where required. Example:: def connect(self, **kwargs): self.api = ApiFactory(self.token) """ pass
[docs] def list_group_channels(self, **kwargs): """ Lists available channels :return: list of Channel This function should be implemented in sub-class. Example:: def list_group_channels(self, **kwargs): for handle in self.api.rooms.list(type='group'): yield Channel(handle.attributes) """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def create(self, title, **kwargs): """ Creates a channel :param title: title of a new channel :type title: str :return: Channel This function returns a representation of the new channel on success, else it should raise an exception. This function should be implemented in sub-class. Example:: def create(self, title=None, **kwargs): handle = self.api.rooms.create(title=title) return Channel(handle.attributes) """ assert title raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_by_title(self, title=None, **kwargs): """ Looks for an existing space by title :param title: title of the target channel :type title: str :return: Channel instance or None If a channel already exists with this id, a representation of it is returned. Else the value ``None``is returned. This function should be implemented in sub-class. Example:: def get_by_title(self, title, **kwargs): for handle in self.api.rooms.list() if handle.title == title: return Channel(handle.attributes) """ assert title return None
[docs] def get_by_id(self, id, **kwargs): """ Looks for an existing channel by id :param id: id of the target channel :type id: str :return: Channel instance or None If a channel already exists with this id, a representation of it is returned. Else the value ``None``is returned. This function should be implemented in sub-class. Example:: def get_by_id(self, id, **kwargs): handle = self.api.rooms.lookup(id=id) if handle: return Channel(handle.attributes) """ assert id return None
[docs] def get_by_person(self, label, **kwargs): """ Looks for an existing private channel with a person :param label: the display name of the person's account :type label: str :return: Channel instance or None If a channel already exists for this person, a representation of it is returned. Else the value ``None``is returned. This function should be implemented in sub-class. Example:: def get_by_id(self, id, **kwargs): handle = self.api.rooms.lookup(id=id) if handle: return Channel(handle.attributes) """ assert label return None
[docs] def update(self, channel, **kwargs): """ Updates an existing channel :param channel: a representation of the updated channel :type channel: Channel This function should raise an exception when the update is not successful. This function should be implemented in sub-class. Example:: def update(self, channel): self.api.rooms.update(channel.attributes) """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def delete(self, id, **kwargs): """ Deletes a channel :param id: the unique id of an existing channel :type id: str After a call to this function the related channel does not appear anymore in the list of available resources in the chat space. This can be implemented in the back-end either by actual deletion of resources, or by archiving the channel. In the second scenario, the channel could be restored at a later stage if needed. This function should be implemented in sub-class. Example:: def delete(self, id=id, **kwargs): self.api.rooms.delete(id) """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def list_participants(self, id): """ Lists participants to a channel :param id: the unique id of an existing channel :type id: str :return: a list of persons :rtype: list of str Note: this function returns all participants, except the bot itself. """ assert id # target channel is required raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def add_participants(self, id, persons=[]): """ Adds multiple participants :param id: the unique id of an existing channel :type id: str :param persons: e-mail addresses of persons to add :type persons: list of str """"Adding participants") for person in persons:"- {}".format(person)) self.add_participant(id=id, person=person)
[docs] def add_participant(self, id, person, is_moderator=False): """ Adds one participant :param id: the unique id of an existing channel :type id: str :param person: e-mail address of the person to add :type person: str :param is_moderator: if this person has special powers on this channel :type is_moderator: True or False The underlying platform may, or not, take the optional parameter ``is_moderator`` into account. The default bahaviour is to discard it, as if the parameter had the value ``False``. This function should be implemented in sub-class. It should not raise exceptions, since this would kill ``list_participants()``. Example:: @no_exception def add_participant(self, id, person): self.api.memberships.create(id=id, person=person) """ assert id # target channel is required assert person assert is_moderator in (True, False) raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def remove_participants(self, id, persons=[]): """ Removes multiple participants :param id: the unique id of an existing channel :type id: str :param persons: e-mail addresses of persons to delete :type persons: list of str """"Removing participants") for person in persons:"- {}".format(person)) self.remove_participant(id=id, person=person)
[docs] def remove_participant(self, id, person): """ Removes one participant :param id: the unique id of an existing channel :type id: str :param person: e-mail address of the person to delete :type person: str This function should be implemented in sub-class. It should not raise exceptions, since this would kill ``remove_participants()``. Example:: @no_exception def remove_participant(self, id, person): self.api.memberships.delete(id=id, person=person) """ assert id # target channel is required assert person raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def list_messages(self, id=None, quantity=10, stop_id=None, up_to=None, with_attachment=False, **kwargs): """ List messages :param id: the unique id of an existing channel :type id: str :param quantity: maximum number of returned messages :type quantity: positive integer :param stop_id: stop on this message id, and do not include it :type stop_id: str :param up_to: stop on this date and time :type up_to: str of ISO date and time :param with_attachment: to get only messages with some attachments :type with_attachment: True or False :return: a list of Message objects This function fetches messages from one channel, from newest to the oldest. Compared to the bare ``walk_messages`` function, it brings additional capabilities listed below: * quantity - limit the maximum number of messages provided * stop_id - get new messages since the latest we got * up_to - get messages up a given date and time * with_attachments - filter messages to retrieve attachments Example:: for message in space.list_messages(id=channel_id): do_something_with_message(message) if message.url: do_something_with_attachment(message.url) """ assert id assert quantity > 0 assert with_attachment in (True, False)'Listing messages') messages = [] scanned = 10 * quantity for message in self.walk_messages(id=id, **kwargs): if stop_id and == stop_id: logging.debug(u"- hit stop id") break if up_to and message.stamp < up_to: logging.debug(u"- hit stamp limit") break if with_attachment and not message.url: logging.debug(u"- no attachment in this message") scanned -= 1 if scanned: continue break messages.append(message) if len(messages) >= quantity: break if len(messages):"- returning {} messages".format(len(messages))) return messages
[docs] def walk_messages(self, id=None, **kwargs): """ Walk messages :param id: the unique id of an existing channel :type id: str :return: a iterator of Message objects This function returns messages from a channel, from the newest to the oldest. This function should be implemented in sub-class """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def post_message(self, id=None, text=None, content=None, file=None, person=None, **kwargs): """ Posts a message :param id: the unique id of an existing channel :type id: str :param person: address for a direct message :type person: str :param text: message in plain text :type text: str :param content: rich format, such as Markdown or HTML :type content: str :param file: URL or local path for an attachment :type file: str Example message out of plain text:: space.post_message(id=id, text='hello world') Example message with Markdown:: space.post_message(id, content='this is a **bold** statement') Example file upload:: space.post_message(id, file='./my_file.pdf') Of course, you can combine text with the upload of a file:: text = 'This is the presentation that was used for our meeting' space.post_message(id=id, text=text, file='./my_file.pdf') For direct messages, provide who you want to reach instead of a channel id, like this:: space.post_message(person='', text='hello guy') This function should be implemented in sub-class. Example:: def post_message(self, id, text=None, **kwargs): self.api.messages.create(id=id, text=text) """ assert id or person # need a recipient assert id is None or person is None # only one recipient raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def webhook(self): """ Handles updates sent over the internet This function should use the ``request`` object to retrieve details of the web transaction. This function should be implemented in sub-class. Example:: def webhook(self): message_id = request.json['data']['id'] item = self.api.messages.get(messageId=message_id) self.ears.put(item._json) return "OK" """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def register(self, hook_url): """ Registers to the cloud API for the reception of updates :param hook_url: web address to be used by cloud service :type hook_url: str This function should be implemented in sub-class. Example:: def register(self, hook_url): self.api.register(hook_url) """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def deregister(self): """ Stops updates from the cloud back-end This function should be implemented in sub-class. """ pass
[docs] def start(self, hook_url=None): """ Starts the update process :param hook_url: web address to be used by cloud service (optional) :type hook_url: str :return: either the process that has been started, or None If an URL is provided, it is communicated to the back-end API for asynchronous updates. Else this function starts a separate daemonic process to pull updates in the background. """ self.on_start() if hook_url: self.register(hook_url=hook_url) else: p = Process( p.daemon = True p.start() return p
[docs] def run(self): """ Continuously fetches updates This function senses new items at regular intervals, and pushes them to the listening queue. Processing is handled in a separate background process, like in the following example:: # gets updates in the background process = space.start() ... # wait for the end of the process process.join() The recommended way for stopping the process is to change the parameter ``general.switch`` in the context. For example:: engine.set('general.switch', 'off') Note: this function should not be invoked if a webhok has been configured. """'Pulling updates') try: self.context.set('puller.counter', 0) while self.context.get('general.switch', 'on') == 'on': try: self.pull() self.context.increment('puller.counter') time.sleep(self.PULL_INTERVAL) except Exception as feedback: logging.warning(feedback) break except KeyboardInterrupt: pass"Puller has been stopped")
[docs] def pull(self): """ Fetches updates This function senses most recent items, and pushes them to the listening queue. This function should be implemented in sub-class. Example:: def pull(self): for message in self.api.list_message(): self.ears.put(message) """ raise NotImplementedError()